In addition to my previous post, i made something that would hopefully increase my traffic to this blog. After all, this is the essence of blogging that if you take this out, your blog would just be a piece of information existing on the web like a worthless piece of sand in a dessert. (Caffiene really makes me say odd things. lol )

On my clock, its already 10:17pm. Since this morning, ive been adding my blog to numerous blog directories which you can see on the bottom of the page. Well, i realized one thing after my first day, blogging aint just a walk in the park, its a full-time effort.

Todays, work actually brought me to a certain dilemma. What category should I add my blog to? Im torn between financial and personal blog. I just cant decide which is which so i used financial on other blog directories, and personal on the majority of them.

Another problem i encountered was when i was adding banners to blog directories. Each time I add, the blog directories would ask for a specific banner size so its a hard work i tell you. Thankfully, i got 2 applications i use to edit and resize and design banners. I use bannermaker pro and green box logo maker.

Im not very sure if i can benefit with what i did today. I tell you, its worth a try since alot of people recommend it. And if not, well, maybe i just have to retire to the notion that, i gained experience today. After all, blogging aint 100% certainty. Its not certain at all, as a matter of fact.

If you have any suggestions, questions or anything at all, please dont hesitate to ask me and post comments about it.

Until tommorow, Good night for now! (my hands are all tired and weak) hehe

These are some of the directories i signed up my blog for. Anything you missed out? Feel free to click anything and vote for my blog on your way there.

Blog Flux DirectoryTop BlogsPersonal blogs :: Defining Your Blogs Worth: TopSites:Personal blogs

UBSquareTop Blog SitesStart Blogging

Blog Directory & Search engineOutpost

Personal Blogs - Blog Flareblog search directory

"just being a Filipino for Others"


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