Ive just noticed this a while ago while checking out MSN. Its very seldom that i use it but the ads below the window really gets my attention and when i got to use it earlier. Low and behold. I noticed this very familiar tagline.

"Crispylicious, Juicylicious CHIKENJOY!"

My initial reaction was, "Are you kidding me?!? Jolibee on MSN Messenger?". Ive got no choice but to click and find out for myself. And there it was, my intuition didnt fail me. (It never fails me.hehe) I saw the familiar mascot of Jolibee Himself. And i was taken to the home page.

I could only stand in awe and admiration to this company. Ever since i was a child, i never even gave Mcdonalds a chance against them. I always love the chickenjoy and the swirly bitz. This is another reason that my blog is named as such. Kirbitz and Swirly Bitz-- Does all the difference!

For all of you guys who dont know Jollibee, its the number one food chain in the Philippines and well, Mcdonalds is not far behind. This ad jsut goes to show that this food chain is out to conquer more barriers, more boundaries. Much like what Kirbitz is doing now. With shear effort and dedication, we can do this!

Onward Pinoy!

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