It has been a little over a week since yours truly started blogging to earn money. And so far, so good. At least i would like to think so. .

As far as I can recall, here are the things i did the past week on my blog.

For Money-maKing. . .

  • Signed up for a number of Ads Providers. . . Bidvertiser, AffiliateBot, AdBrite (just earlier)
  • Signed up for a MyLot account.
  • Signed up for SlashMySearch

For Traffic. . .
  • Submitted to quite a number of blog directories.
  • Added myself to Blogcatalog, MyblogLog and bumpzee.
  • Submitted Stories to
  • Signed up for Associated content which i am yet to write my first article.
  • Had Link exchanges with several bloggers.

For any Other:
  • I added a WeekLy FreEbie feature on my blog which for this week, Harry Potter E-Book is up for Grabs! get your copy now!
These, among others were done by my own initiative, dictations, or any other guidance from other people. I did have friends whom i value their advises. And guys, for that, Thanks you! You know who you are. I hope i can make more friends and expand my Horizons.

My Earnings So Far. . .
-Expect not to see thousands, hundreds or even tens for that matter. Hey, afterall, im still starting out. Here's what i Got.

  • SlashmySearch - $.246 (this i havent done anything. "Hulog ng langit" as we say. . .)
  • AffiliateBot - $.91 (Lucky i got a few Clicks. . . Great! )
  • Squidoo - $.25 ( Havent updated my Squidoo for ages! )
  • MyLot -$.06 (I made 6 comments this week. I dont really got time as of now. If you could post/make comments more, You can earn Way More than i could. register here.
  • Bidvertiser -$.08 (As you can see, I only have a single add unit. A single snippet. This figure means i need to tweak, tweak, tweak. )
Total Money Earned So Far - $1.7

This figure is qutie humble but ill take this as a challenge. I see this as an obstacle that needs to be surpassed. i just bear in mind that success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Expect more of this to come your way.


  1. 房房  

    July 28, 2007 at 8:19 PM

    hi wow

  2. Unknown  

    July 28, 2007 at 10:10 PM

    Wow! That is good. ^_^ I have accounts on those sites but I have not integrated them on my blog. My blog is adless haha

  3. NurseJake  

    July 29, 2007 at 2:31 AM

    To my first commentator:
    Hello! thanks for visiting. ;)

    thanks! haha! I noticed you dont have any. Im sure youll have more earnings than my bidvertiser if you install ads. . ;)

  4. shay.delgado  

    July 29, 2007 at 11:34 PM much as i want to focus on meonetisation, i believe that comes second after content creation. But it's not bad earnings though...

  5. NurseJake  

    July 30, 2007 at 3:18 AM

    Thanks shay!

    i do agree with you in your predicament.

    i simply like your site. ;)

  6. admin  

    July 30, 2007 at 5:39 PM

    hey kirbitz, you check out this blog:

    it is very new but lets support filipino bloggers.. thanks

  7. NurseJake  

    August 1, 2007 at 5:31 AM

    Visited the blog you gave me lady. . ;)

    It's ogot potential. ;) Nice primary posts.

  8. Blogger  

    September 19, 2016 at 9:11 AM

    If you are looking into earning money from your visitors using popup ads - you can embed one of the most reputable companies - AdFly.

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