I Signed Up For PPP!

Finally, its my time to join the league of the other high-earning bloggers in the exciting world of blogosphere. Well, ive been accepted a couple of days ago and actually made 4 posts already which is worth $20 all in all. Im still a newbie and i have to go for the newbie-ish offers which generally costs minimal amount. But hey, not bad for someone who didnt know the meaning of the word "blog" three months ago.

What am I going to do with the money Im going to earn? Well, let me see. . . I've been wanting to buy myself those nice pair of nike shoes, buy my girlfriend something nice for our third anniversary and maybe treat my family out to shakey's (a family favorite). Maybe this is a bit exaggerated but I just want to make my money's worth. So, if youre a teenager like me, i strongly suggest you start a blog of your own and make money online with the teen blogger (thats me of course!).

Other bloggers say that real blogging starts at six months well, i have to say it starts with signing up for payperpost. Ill look forward for more offers, more earnings and more traffic from this program. Wish me luck!


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