This is just something that I have thought about at this moment. I have been thinking on how to make money as a teen especially that its summer time. Being able to go to the United states for a couple of times in the past, I was able to earn some cash for a translation company. This is something that not alot of teenagers know that it can become a part time job.
When I was there, I was particularly translating asian languages into english which brought me back a couple of dollars an hour. It was fun, it was cool, it was amazing.
Why dont you try this one out? Ive been looking through some sites in the web and I found myself on translation company. Click the link to check it out for yourself. Good Luck!
I have been browsing over to some of the articles over the internet and I noticed that inheritance funding is one of the fast growing subgroup of the finance industry. This made me think about my own future. Do I have an inheritance fund? How do I know if I have one? What can I do to find one and apply?
Well, youre in luck my friend, inheritance advance information is the site to visit if you want to find information about this one. I have actually gone over the site itself and I think its very rewarding for you to check them out.
Remember lads, its never too early to make money. Try to make some with your inheritance funds.
Some students opt not to study in college but even fewer ones don't ever touch the course of real estate engagements. This is the topic for today's post; Real estate education.
Of course all of you are familiar with the blockbuster series known as "The Apprentice" and perhaps some of you might have seen the complete series. The show revolves around Donald Trump and his business empire that is currently taking United States by storm. He is one example of a person who has been a real estate mogul and by that, I mean lots and lots of money. How did Donald Trump start in real estate business?
He claims he learned everything from his dad way back from his childhood days. He's been through ups and downs of the industry and it certainly shows. He was born rich. This is a fact that is accepted by everyone but only a few know about his secret on how to get rich. How? He says its never too early to start earning money. He himself said he's been earning alot as a teenager!
It would have been a dream come true to most teenagers to win the apprentice but we have to accept the fact that it just doesnt happen. But I do have another solution. I have come across this site named Nouveau Riche. It caters to college students who want to specialize in real estate money making. How cool is that? Nouveau Riche sounds so foreign but it caters to teens and young adults from the US.
Nouveau Riche might well be one of the key to our success if were planning on making money from real estate. Go ahead and take a look at the site.
New Blog Platform For Teens To Earn Online
Posted by NurseJake Labels: teen blogs, teens money onlineSince I started blogging, It has become an integral part of me. I cant pass a day without checking my email to see if there are private messages, earning potentials or just anything that is worth giving as an advise to every teen who wants to earn money online. Luckily for you, today is not an exception.
I came across this free blogging site which is very similar to the one im using except that this site is still on its Beta phase. I actually went over some of the entries there and I noticed that they are more laid back in posting blog entries. Its actually like a site with all the blog entries on it. Much like YouTube but the content varies from blog posts, podcasts and vids. You can check them out at
As for the money making potential part, I still have to dig deeper on this matter. Ill be sure to let you guys know more about it when im done with my assessment. So, if youre into Blogs, or wanting to be on one, this is one thing you should check.
Teen Summer Jobs - Tips and Tricks to Make Money
Posted by NurseJake Labels: teen money, teen summer jobs
Teens are vital parts of society. They are the ones to carry on all of the aspects of nation's future state and finance is not at all an exception. In Philippine history, teens and young adults were very influential in taking down the Marcos regime some three decades ago and the people who lead those crusades are now the nation's leaders. In a similar analogy, what can teens of today do for the future of online money making?
Teen statistics show that less than 25% of teens in United states earn enough money to buy what they want without the intervention of their parents. This number is quite low compared to the teen statistics on teen pregnancy (more than a million teens get pregnant each year in United States alone).
How can Teens Make As Much Having Summer Jobs?
Teens can make money in more ways than I could count on my fingers in toes. Here's some outlines to give you an idea how teens make money online.
Start Early
There is no such thing as too early for money making whether its online or offline. Summer is in the corner, and what better way to make money than having a summer job as a teen? There are alot of ways to make money from carwash if youre into cars, daycare assistant if youre into teaching or into kids, kitchenhelp if youre into cooking. The possibilities of landing teen summer job of choice is yours to choose!
Do Something You're Passionate About
If you want to make money as a teen, do something you really love and you would like to pursue in the future. I personally blog because I like Information Technology and the internet and im planning to earn even more from online. I have a friend who's into a golf-caddy just because he wants to know techniques of good golf players. You see, its yours to fulfill.
Take The Most Out of Your Summer Job
A wise teen money maker always analyzes the Pros and Cons of having a summer job or any venture in that particular regard. If youre planning to take medicine as your profession, make sure you get a summer job in a local clinic whether taking front desks or assisting nurses (previous tip). After the end of the day, make sure you note what are common problems of patients and how they are managed by the doctor. Look at what medications were given and look it up in the internet what they are for. If you do this everyday, at the end of the summer, you get a free hands-on experience what is it like to be working as a doctor plus you gained priceless info.
Multiple Streams of Income
If you ask any successful businessman, they would say that money doesnt come from only one way. They have something going from all directions. Imagine Mcdonald's. The original one came from one small city in US. If you think the owner did not expand his business to other cities do you think there would be Mcdonalds as we know it today? Going back to teen money making, what I advise you is to have a balanced working hours from at least two summer jobs. Get a job as a carwash help and a job at the local post office and at the same time, earn money from blogging. How's that for a perfect summer money making?
That wraps it up. If you want to know some more tips or just want to ask me anyting, dont hesitate to post a comment below. I cant wait to give you tips on blogging. Remember: Only the first dollar is the hardest. ;)
World's Richest Teens - How They Make Money
Posted by NurseJake Labels: how teens make money online, teens make moneyIve been thinking about how I can redeem myself for being absent for so long and at the same time, I was watching this program on TV and I thought I should give you an idea about the World's Richest Teens and how they make money whether online or offline. Here it goes. . .
People Magazine views showbiz as one of the premier ways where teens can make money, lots of money. They named the top three teen money makers and they are the following:
- Dan Radcliffe - Who doesnt know him? This Harry Potter star maybe has enough money to make his own HogWarts school. His assets are estimated to be worth at least $50 million dollars. Now, hows that for a money making kid?
- Sam Branson - This guy is my personal favorite (in a finance perspective kinda way). He's the son of the billionaire and owner of Virgin International, Richard Branson. If I was given a chance to read anyone's mind, theres no doubt im choosing Richard's.
- Andrew Bynum - This injured laker just missed the championship run of Los Angeles and is now starting to straighten back in for the next season. He's one of the richest of his kind. Think about this: When the Lakers are in a club, off all his team mates, only he is not allowed drink legally (which im sure he violates alot).
Adsense Earnings During the Pretty Long Hiatus
Posted by NurseJake Labels: Tips on How Teens Make Money OnlineOk. . Im actually writing right now. Its 12:04am, ive got classes tommorow, I have a pending exam this coming saturday but then. . . Im BLOGGING. wow!
If you scan below this post, my last post was on April 10 and in the world of blogging, thats equivalent to a lifetime. Alot has happened; I earned and lost, I gained and lost and most of all, I lost. Pretty confusing isnt it? Well, "confusing" is just an understatement of what I went through when I left this blog.
Meanwhile, I think it would only be fair for my used-to-be loyal readers to be updated regarding my money making journey as a teen.

Thanks For All Your Support and Encouragement, I Decided to Stay!
Posted by NurseJake Labels: Tips on How Teens Make Money OnlineAs you all might know, I was having second thoughts about maintaining this blog and keep helping other teens (and the not so teens) make money online. Well, after the voting has commenced, majority of those who voted actually wanted me to continue blogging. There was only a few people who voted but I expected it for the two months hiatus.
Well, I Decided to Stay!
Some things that I made me make this decision:
- I started everything with this blog. Without it, im nothing but a teen back to square one.
- I made friends with this blog (its priceless)
- I learned to make money online as a teen with this blog.
- This blog was the top 13th blog in the whole of mindanao. Thanks mindanaobloggers! ;)
- I Bought a psp with this blog!
- I earned my first check on this blog.
- I earned my first adsense payment through this blog.
- I met John Chow with this blog.
- I posted a guest post at carlo's with this blog.
- I impressed my mom with this blog.
- My group of friends were very happy when I had my treat (because of this blog).
- I got drunk with this blog (Sorry, I cant keep a secret :p )
Im pretty sure I have alot more reasons to tell you and I can go on over night if you want me to. But for now, im off to maintain my other blogs.
Watch out for some serious posting in the coming week. Im free the whole week. ;)
I dont mean to sound like the cliche joke whenever historical speeches are in topic but this really is the question that I have to address right now after the two month Hiatus of Teens Make Money with Kirby Blog.
This two months made me realize alot of things and some include the following:
- I am turning 20 this 19th of May - Thats just two months away from now and I dont know if it would still be relevant or sensible at the very least to give tips on how teens make money online and yet, not being a teen in the first place. The charisma, the persuading power, the "trust factor" would not be very evident anymore.
- I took more than what I could handle - Its pretty amazing because this whole month of march, I have been busy as hell with blogging and affiliate marketing and yet, my income dropped so low. Call it ironic and unbelievable but that's just what happened.
- I cant maintain two money blogs at once - I posted a small snippet about me starting my own domain (well, i started 4 at once). With PinoyMoneyBlogger and Teens Make Money Online, its just impossible to have two primary blogs as it is impossible to set two primary pics on friendster at once.
- Im determined to hit the gold on this one - I started affiliate marketing and lost money along the way. Now, this is not the time to give up. I know the first money is always the hardest. Im not planning to give up that easily and as a result, I have to continue finding my way on affiliate marketing.
Should I:
- Stop everything about this blog and wait for it to die a natural death.
- Transfer posts on this blog to PinoyMoneyBlogger and continue giving tips on How Teens and Pinoys Make Money Online with Kirby.
Help me out on this one guys! ;)
I wish I could have used a better title but right now, its 1:05am, (Manila Time) and my brain isnt working on its optimal level. I may have to edit it tommorow or Do You have any suggestions?
Anyways. . . I dont know where to start. So ill have to start from where I currently stand.
I have missed posting on this blog (my other blogs included) because I was so busy; not with school as I heavily complained about last month, not with my girl (she's been great, really!) but with Affiliate Marketing. Yes, i finally gathered all my guts, my inspiration, my strength and well, money (from blogging) and sort of rolled it in together to start my affiliate marketing.
Did it really take that long?
Well, not really but close enough. I was REALLY busy with school during the first week of march because it was our Finals. Grades are not yet released but im confident I did well. ;)
The rest of the time, I spent it all on learning making money from Affiliate Marketing. Just to give you an idea on what has been happening, I have the following things for you. Just connect them all together and im pretty sure youll get the picture:
- I bought/downloaded numerous affiliate marketing guide eBooks. I have 4 eBooks on my hard disk right now and I have read all of them at least 2 times. (If you want a copy, comment or contact me)
- I downloaded tools for obtaining and managing keywords (Keyword Expert)
- I spent (more like lost) $50 and counting on Google adwords.
- I have 3 domains. Only one has yet to make money. The other two are well, not yet making some but maybe sometime soon (fingers crossed).
- I signed up for CJ and LinkShare and Im on their site everyday.
- I unintentionally "annoyed" a respected filipino blogger. (More to this in future posts)
- Wordpress, Wordpress and even more Wordpress.
What were the effects of your absence?
Good question. Alot! I'll start with my blog income. Its way, way downhill. On my estimate, I think I dropped 50% from my earnings the previous months. Yes, this might sound very saddening but well, you got to take calculated risks my friend and that's just what I did (or at least, i hope so).
My blog visits and pageviews: They both went down bigtime. The last time I checked sitemeter, I am only averaging 40 visits a day (This is disheartening). I used to average 110 the very least last month. I just noticed that im way out of my SERPs. I used to be the top authority for "Teens+Make+Money" keyword but right now, im on the 3rd page. Goodbye organic visits!
Enough with the Negative parts, this is what keeps me going, the Positive ones:
I learned Wordpress! I have 3 domains and im planning to get more and host them still using wordpress. I just love it (i hated it first. lol).
I learned alot from reading eBooks, Affiliate sites and blogs, Newsletters, Tools. You know what, im thinking how many units would my university credit the knowledge I earned from my readings. Im a nursing student and I read ALOT of books on a daily basis but trust me, I have read EVEN MORE while learning affiliate marketing.
I learned to appreciate myself better. Now dont panic, im not trying to be mushy or anything here but really, I learned something from myself. I have to extend my patience more. Enough said. lol
My adsense earnings increased. I dont know why but its just the case. God is Really Good i tell you. ;) But I will have to track my earnings more to satisfy my intuitive mind on this matter.
What Are Your Plans Now?
My plans are simple. MAKE TONS OF MONEY! (im just kidding). Well, thats part of it but im planning to continue learning everyday and improve. As they say, the first dollar is always the hardest. And I believe in this! My first blogging dollar was the hardest and if you were reading my blog for quite sometime, you know what I mean. ( I still love my PSP that blogging bought me) And oh! I forgot to post about it. I bought a Phone! Again, from blogging! Ill post on this sometime soon.
To Sum it all up:
Im here! Im still alive and kicking! And as greedy as ever! So come to my blog more often. The deal still stand; Be my visitor and we'll all earn together!
I just want to thank people who showed there concern by one way or another. You guys know who you are. :) I apologize for not answering your queries and questions through email. Also, I apologize to those who emailed me whom I wasnt able to respond to.
Today's lesson will focus on optimizing your adsense earnings using simple yet effective methods that Ive learned through my recent information sponging. (Sorry, I just had to use that term)
If youre not familiar about Google Adsense and you want to make money online, then youre missing close to half of your blogging life. I mean that. If you ask internet marketers and bloggers especially the greedy ones (lol!), they ALL have been into this program and they have a tip or two to share. Now, its my turn to give a thing or two. (I wont give everything all at once so, subscribe to my blog and watch out for more coming!)
Now, the first thing you have to make sure in having google adsense on your blog is its Integration. It has to look like its a part of your blog layout and content. With this issue, lots of people have different ways to guide their visitors in clicking ads but im sticking with what I learned by experience. You have to use the existing colors of your blog layout to the colors youre using in displaying adsense ads.
One very helpful tool that ive been using is ColorZilla. Its a firefox extension that gets the color code of anything on your current browser and all you have to do is to input the code to your adsense ads customization on your account menu.
Second lesson, ads should not look like ads. Ive seen websites and blogs that seem to display ads like their the main content. It seemed like they have a banner around their neck saying "Hey, visitor! Im an ad, stay away from me!". Well, perhaps theyre making money if they have tons of traffic, but for starting bloggers, i recommend going back to the roots and giving visitors original content, make them happy by giving tips just like what im doing right now and well, give them something to look forward to.
That's it for today's lesson lads! I hope you learned something from being on my blog. Surely, Teens Make Money Online Easily with Kirby! (and thats, me!)
It’s pretty sad that most teenagers are not taught how to manage their money or finances while they are still in high school. One economics class isn’t sufficient to really give your teen a good idea of the myriad of ways debt can put a damper on their life goals. There are a number of different topics that you should discuss with your teen before they go off on their own to college. They include:
Ive been frequenting alot of blogs lately and they are mostly about money and affiliate category but I just found out that one blog is different from the rest. . .
SilkenHut's Blog!
Yes lads, this blog has been a "revisit" for me since I was a frequent visitor to this blog since I started 6 months ago but it came to a hibernation because of time constraints (yeah yeah, I know, I know, Greed too!) lol
Before this post turns into a confession note, im going to promote and join a contest at the same time. This contest is courtesy of one of my blogger buddies, Allen, who is into blogging about pinoy blogging experiences. Just recently, he launched a website catering to free lyrics and streaming so you might want to visit his website for your sound trip needs. Perhaps, this is another Greedy guy? hmmm. . . You have to answer my visitors for this one Allen! lol
You can also join this contest if you want to. Whats up for grabs? Well, its a Php 2,000 Nokia Gift Cheque! Now, isnt that tempting enough?
He also asked if what would I do If ever I would win this gift cheque. Im gonna use it of course! lol Im planning to use it to purchase an accessory for phone to bling it a little bit. How would you use this GC if you win the contest? Blog about this one and win!
Majority of novice bloggers look forward to having a hosted blog and personal domain of their own and when this happens, it makes an impression that you are actually going somewhere nearer to the pinnacle of success in this field. Though the method and manner of getting there would very much vary to each blogger, one thing would really be for certain, the feeling of being proud and that's exactly what im experiencing right now.
Check it out at Pinoy Money Blogger.
Now, this actually brings me to alot of opportunity to teach you guys how to blog. Why? Because im going to apply everything I learned from 6 months blogging and apply this to my new blog. Look forward for some contests, gimiks and tutorials. I suggest you subscribe to my new blog as you did to this one. Im pretty sure you will get your subscription well worth it. Now, if you're new to blogging, all the more you need to subscribe because im in the process of finishing my posts about how to start a blog that is optimized to make money online so watch out for this one and alot more!
To clarify things up, I have no intention or plans to seize blogging on this one. No! Im just going to give more priority to my new blog this coming days since it needs more attention that this one though im still going to give out useful informations on here.
My Personal Tip On Saving And Managing Money
Posted by NurseJake Labels: money tips, tips on managing moneyIts time again for another personal money management tip for everyone and the focus for today's post will be on making the most out of your money you earned from your internet money making or even from your offline gigs for that matter.
Do you remember instances in your life wherein no matter how much money you have, it never seemed to be enough? We'll ive been in this scene numerous times in the past and I can tell you, even if im still in my prime teen age, im no stranger to this phenomena. Take for instance, my weekly allowance is Php 700 and everything is included; gasoline for my car, my everyday lunch, minor school expenses (e.g. photocopies, handouts) and well, you have to take into consideration, my dates. All this in just Php 700 in one week. Impossible? Well, I used to think about it that way but not for long.
For this one, im going back to the basic-est (my invented word for the of things. Now, there are two ways to deal with this one: increase your income or cut costs. The first solution will not work for everyone considering time and effort constraints but the second, cutting costs, is a whole new different story! Everyone can do it, you just have to use practicality, rationality and even creativity. Going back to my experience, I managed my problem by going for both. I increased my income by making more paid posts and private transactions and at the same time, I cut my costs by making a daily expense allowance. I gave more priorities to those that I really need like setting aside for gas and my lunch money. I also lowered down extra expenses; i do not frequent malls anymore because in this case, I save money on gas and there is less temptation to buy something. Another action that I took was to have dinner dates on either my house or my girlfriend's house because this way, we both save money and in connection, her parents are really impressed because they see my intentions are clear for their daughter. You see, ladies and gentlemen, you can really hit two birds with one stone (just make sure its a boulder youre
Kidding aside, this really worked for me for the past month and im going to explore more ways to manage my personal finance in the coming months and ill be sure to let you guys know more about it.
If everything fails, you can always avail of goods in transit insurance, courier insurance and Quote Me Today.
Some weeks back, a dear friend of mine who's a self-made, successful blogger asked me to help her get exposure for the Laptops shes been selling and as charming as she is, saying no would be the last thing on my mind so I agreed. Never did I expect it would be as great as this.
She is actually selling Macbooks at prices you cant compare! She actually gets it as direct import so less tax and less burden to consumers like you. She offers a wide array of Macbooks of different specifications that would suit your needs, lifestyle and preferences.
Heres one example of the great ones shes offering:
All these for just Php 47,500
Its an Apple White Macbook 13" screen, Intel Core Duo 2 Processor, with processor speed of 1.83GHz, 60GB hard drive space for all the things you need and 512MB memory of RAM plus, you can upgrade with Php 1,200 more. Did i mention everything on here is on one year warranty?. If youre not convinced, try comparing prices to competitors online at laptopking and
This one is really handy and perfect for people on the go. If youre a student, this is perfect for your best-friend gadget at school and if youre working in the corporate world, make dynamic presentations using multi-media creations with this lappy. So, check out more Cut-down priced Macbooks available HERE.
Update: If you want to place an order, you can either contact me directly or send an email to my friend at lightspeedsolutions.lorie
I Just Broke The $1000 Mark In Blogging Money!
Posted by NurseJake Labels: How To Make Money Online For Teenagers, Tips on How Teens Make Money Online
I was thinking for a better and more SEO'd title but I just cant help the itch on my fingers to blog about this one.
French, Romans, Countrymen, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, I am very proud to announce to everyone. . .
I Just broke the $1,000 mark in Blogging Earnings!
Yes, that's right lads! And whats more amazing is that I didnt realize it until im nearing my next $500 withdrawal from paypal so that will even add up to another $500 to my thousand dollar chest box which is of course deposited at unionbank.
Its funny how things work with blogging. Just 6 months ago, I was wondering if making money online was possible and I even cursed John Chow for "fooling people" to make him even richer. Well, John, im not your biggest fan but thanks anyways! ;)
My money making along with my blogging companion Jay whom I encouraged to blog with me (He is nearing to his $1,000 mark as well) has stirred quite a discussion in the circle of friends at school. Our other buddies or barkadas who fondly called us as "autistic blogging nerds" are now busy collecting their jaws on the floor after finding out how much we are making and get this, they actually are literally begging us to teach them how to blog! hahaha! Ahhh, sweet revenge. ;)
In line with this, we are currently organizing and planning ways to teach this guys the ABC's of blogging. Their are at least 20 people on the list to join and all of them are just friends of ours. But hey, this gives me an idea, would you like to join them and make money blogging? Its all for free! As they say, success is better off shared. Afterall, im generous so they say! (hahaha!) So, if you wanna join, just leave a comment below or contact me personally, ill be happy to help you out for free. ( hurry before i change my mind! hehe)
My blogging has had its ups and downs and to reveal to you my recent frustrations, i just had this blog's pagerank reduced to 0 (yes, zero!) from previous PR3. The reason? I forgot to remove the "paid review" tags during the first months of blogging. Its quite frustrating but there is really no point in crying over spilled milk is there? What did I do to compensate? I bought a hosting and domain! Yes, this is symbolic for me; its an affirmation that im in with the challenge of blogging and im off to succeed! I will formalize this announcement when I get the hang of Wordpress. Its quite complicated if you ask me.
Lads, im going to end this post by expressing a quote i recently found from my blog hopping. . .
Yes thats right lads! My daily plan of activities are so full that I didnt even study for tomorrow's lessons just for this one. Heck, this is one of those rare times that I enter the class without knowing the topic to be discussed. Some of you might ask. . .
Ill let the excitement thrill you for a while. . . But not for long im afraid. It depends. ;)
If you are a usual visitor of this blog, you might have noticed that with all the numerous contests there is in the blogosphere, I usually participate if I personally have the favor for the blogger im writing for. Well, lads, this is one of those times.
Money Blogger is giving away an Ipod Nano!
The last time I joined a contest was about two months ago and that was also from a money making blogger. Money blogger or Dom as i would want to call him has been in the internet for quite sometime now. I have been to one of his 4o sites (yes, thats how big time this guy is, 40 sites!) and it is kill bill themed but instead, he had it as "Kill Dom" and its a bit amusing for me.
Here lads, is one very good example of someone who persisted and made it to the pinnacle of success. A testament of true persistence and an epitome of someone worth looking up to.
I just received a call from an older friend of mine who migrated to the united states and specifically in stockton, california to work and permanently live their. This is not actually uncommon for asians as the numbers increase as the years go by.
He told me that securing a real estate in california is as "hard as hell". Luckily, a california real estate agent helped him get one at a very affordable price. So, I asked him, why is this guy helping and I just found out that the real estate agent is actually my cousin who happened to meet my friend on his way to a bus station. Small world, isnt it?
Well, this goes to show that Filipinos, wherever they would meet, will always have a bond that is never easily break.
Guys, I know ive been away for quite sometime and to be honest, im guilty about it because you might think I stopped blogging or teaching people how to make money on the internet. Well, to make things clear, Im still on it guys! Dont Worry.
With my almost two weeks of absence, ALOT of things happened and im going to tell you guys everything as the days go by.
To welcome you back to this blog, let me tackle about SEO. I know some of you might think I could not possibly know anything about it coz im still a teen but hey, I managed to get the first page of the keywords "teens make money" or anything related to "teens" and "money". So I know a thing or two about what im talking about. Still not convinced? Google it up. ;)
I have come across this program by the name of TNX and no, its not the short SMS of "thank you". In accordance, you might want to say that exact same thing to the company after you reach the first page of your targeted keyword.
Remember text link ads? Well, they are actually on their decline because google banned them for life. We thought they would be the answer to our traffic and PR problems but they proved to fail. On this note, how do you like to take the advantages of contextual advertising, relevant link exchanges and text link selling all in just one solid service? Well, TNX has got your back and I highly recommend them.
I actually observed, analyzed and sifted through their program and so far, I have no complaints. Think about this, have thousands of links to your blog or website in lowest price in the market today. For as low as $11 a month, you can have relevant links to your site at the most convenience. Also, if you want to sell links from your site while hiding from google, they have a privacy policy that does the job securely. Another great thing about this program is the per-page selling of links which is very profitable for bloggers and site owners. Compared to site wide link selling, you can have targeted links on every single page of your site if you wish to.
TNX has just stirred a great deal of discussion over at digitalpoint and you can check out other bloggers who are satisfied with their service.
What do you think about their service? If you have something in mind, do let me know and ill sure to have something to say.
Donald Trump. Hmmm. . . Where will I start?
Perhaps the most recent event of this bad hair day billionaire (my envy got the best of me, sorry donald) was his "fight" in the WWE. He was represented by a wresler against Vince Mcmahon's bet and the loser? Well, co-incidentally, would have his hair shaved off in front of some 80,000 crowd in Detroit. Of course his bet won the match but imagine how he would look like if he lost the match? God, that would be the epitome of a perfect pay-per-view. How do you think he would look like?
Anyways, before this blog turns into a gossip blog, the last time I checked payperpost, I found an offer that really caught my attention. I noticed that the first two offers were from the sites of Donald Trump himself.
Here's the screenshot I made:
What does this tell us?
Blogging is gaining more importance.
More and more people are realizing that blogs comprise an integral part of building online reputation. Even Donald Trump's employees are recognizing its benefits and they recognize that blogs will soon be a necessity than a marketing edge.
More opportunities for bloggers to make money
As this trend will continue to rise in the coming years, I am firm in my belief that bloggers will continue to rise and in effect, competition will get even fiercer and along with this change will be the increase in online income opportunities for bloggers. Still dont have a blog? Why dont you subscribe to my blog and i'll teach you how to blog and earn.
Less bad hair days for Donald Trump
Well, this is not really part of this review but i really think my envy got the best of me today. However, if everything will turn out right (it probably will), maybe our friend would have the initiative to take a break from collecting wives and maybe spend more time for a hair makeover.
What do you guys say?
I have been making reviews for different companies for quite some time already but I guess, this one is of those reviews that actually helps people get recruitment online. I have found my way to a company called monster solutions. I dont know specifically for what reason are they calling themselves this way but it seems they are not having second thoughts about changing it. After ten years of online experience and twenty three thousand hired clients, I cant imagine who would.
I was browsing through their hire section and i noticed that they have found the great formula for success on this particular segment. They simplified everything. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to attract more people to post and find jobs. Remember how I likened simplicity of acoustic music and the way it has never retired from the main front of the music industry? It only goes to show that with the advent of new technology and ever-growing technicalities, simplicity still will never be too old-fashioned. If Monster solutions (the name of the company) should leave something unchanged, I thinks this would most probably be it.
On another point, it would be very important to commend the company for their visibility for both job seekers and hiring companies alike. How did I arrive to this idea? Going back to where this company started, I think there is no better way to make a company bigger and better than just offering the optimal service that you can offer. In this case, exposure is the name of the game and monster solutions have done it almost precisely as the ideal.
Online job search has gone so far from its early days and it will continue to grow in the coming years. Perhaps it might going to become a necessity rather than a convenience. There are still help wanted in job searching and for as long as this will continue, monster solutions will always deliver.
Bet For Online Games And Earn Money?
Posted by NurseJake Labels: teen money, teens make money, Tips on How Teens Make Money OnlineOnline poker have far been under a very good advertising development through the blogosphere. In fact, I have come across numerous blogs that caters solely for these services and you know what, they earn a very sufficient income but can teens make money online from online gaming?
Lets take one of the betting facilities online and find out. Shall we?
Bet365 is, in my opinion, one of the best there is. Aside from offering the typical online casino, a dedicated section for interactive games and sportsbook betting facility, they offer an unprecedented one-wallet system that makes your betting experience convenient, comfortable and easier.
Going back to the question whether teenagers can really earn money through online games, I have to say no. Why? Simply because teens are, under normal circumstances, not adept to this betting facilities. They should be going to movies, making friends as many as possible and maybe find romance but never betting. Id rather stick to blogging than take huge risks in betting my hard earned money.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored review and I got paid writing this post.
I guess this is a bit late but. . .
Perhaps, I can only stop when every visitor, every reader and every subscriber of this blog has at the very least, earned something from blogging (wealth cannot be measured by money alone). If this happens, expect me to retire from blogging and helping teens make money. Nah, im just kidding, no one can stop me from blogging! But im open to challengers. *wink*
What a year it was for us! I cant believe that six months ago, I didnt know what a blog means and a month after, I started this blog, got disappointed ALOT, made money for the first time and now, greeting greedy lads (yes, thats you! hehe) happy new year! What a year it has been.
What I look for in the coming year:
- Help people make money from blogging - This is my very first priority for this year and i even wrote a post it sticker on my room to remind me on this cause. See how I love you guys? *wink*
- Open a domain of my own - I know 6 months is merely enough to get acquainted with blogging but im in the process of gathering all my guts into one huge snowball of courage to again, embark anew and extend my horizons a bit more. Any suggestions of what the name of my new blog be? Your input is very welcome!
- Increase PR and traffic - I have one word to support this one. SEO. Enough said.
- Continue quest to gain financial independence - Allow me to share my personal side to you guys, it feels great to buy the things you want, go to places you wanted for so long, eat at restaurants you drooled for without asking from parents. This is one of the reasons that I am encouraging as much people to blog. Sure, money cant buy you happiness but it sure does make life more contenting. Any reactions? Id love to hear what you can say. ;)